How to plant Canna

Cannas are all about big, impressive leaves. If want to create the tropical look in your garden, you’ll love these exotic plants which flaunt lush, vibrant foliage all summer long. The icing on the cake is a bright burst of flowers from the top of the stem in late summer.

Canna planting basics

Cannas are found growing wild in South Africa – they love heat and sun. Find a spot for them in a sunny border or in a large pot in a sunny patio space and they will be happy. Cannas are a tropical plant and won’t tolerate frost – if you have a greenhouse or conservatory, you can give them a head start by potting them up indoors in the spring and allowing them to grow on for a couple of months before planting out in early summer. They need well-drained soil and don’t like to get waterlogged. If you have a heavy soil type, it’s a good idea to dig in plenty of compost or mulch before planting for best results.

How to plant Canna rhizomes

— Cannas are tender plants and require frost-free conditions in the spring. Stars them off in March or April in temporary pots indoors to transplant after risk of frost has passed, or plant directly outside in May.

— Plant the rhizomes 5-10cm deep and horizontally with any visible buds or shoots facing upwards.

— When planting out, choose a position in full sun in a free-draining soil.

— Allow around 25-30cm between plants in borders or 20cm if planting in containers.

Planting instructions