How to plant Convallaria

Convallaria are hardy to around -20C and can be planted directly outside in spring. They won’t require any winter frost protection in most areas.

— Soak the roots (or pips) in water for 3-6 hours prior to planting.

— Clear and dig-over a space in a border for your Convallaria pips. Plant them with the roots downwards and the buds or crown just below the soil surface. Any leaves which have already grown should be exposed above the soil surface. Alternatively, you can pot them up and grow them on outdoors for a few months before planting out later in the season.

— Convallaria thrive in shade and will do well in an area with free-draining soil and which is in full or dappled shade.

— Plant in borders or containers. If planting in containers, you can use multipurpose or soil-based compost.

— Space the plants 5-10cm apart from each other.

— Water-in after planting and keep hydrated when in growth.

— The leaves will die back fully in autumn, they can be removed at this stage if necessary.

Read further general instructions about planting bare-root perennials

Planting instructions