How to plant Crinum

Crinums are fairly hardy and can tolerate temperatures to -10C. In mild areas with free-draining soil, Crinum bulbs can be planted directly outside in spring. In colder areas, you can start them off in pots and grow them on in a sheltered location first or wait until the weather is milder before planting directly outside.

— Plant the bulbs directly into borders between March and May in mild areas, or wait until April/May in cooler areas.

— Dig a hole to nearly the same depth as the bulb and plant it with the neck exposed.

— Choose a border with free-draining, sandy or loamy soil which received full sun throughout most of the day.

— Space the plants 15-20cm apart from each other.

— Water-in after planting and keep hydrated when in growth in the first year. In future years once settled in, they will only require additional watering when the weather is very hot and dry.

Planting instructions