How to plant Iris ensata

— This Iris variety is fully hardy and can be planted directly outside in the spring. They don’t require winter protection in most areas.

— Plant the rhizomes directly into clear, well-dug borders or start them off in temporary pots in spring and grow-on outdoors, then transplant later in the season as potted plants.

— Plant the rhizomes so that they are fully submerged in the soil, around 5cm deep with any shoots or emerging leaves exposed above soil level.

— They enjoy a position in full sun. Iris ensata prefers a moist soil and can be grown as a marginal pond plant. They also grow well in beds with reliably moist soil, it is a good idea to add mulch to the area first.

— Space the bulbs 15-20cm apart

— Water-in after planting and keep hydrated when in growth.

— Cut the stems down to 3cm above soil level in autumn.

Read further general instructions about planting bare-root perennials

Planting instructions

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