How to plant Bergenia
It’s hard to think of another plant that is quite so robust and reliable. Bergenia (Elephant Ears) are unmatched for their tough and adaptable garden performance, taking almost any site and soil in their stride - except for very wet soils. These hardy perennials form compact, dense clumps of groundcover at the front of borders and work hard to fill those tricky dry areas beside walls or beneath trees and shrubs.
The glossy leaves remain evergreen and may even tint to autumn tones of purple, orange and red in some varieties. In spring, the upright flower spikes provide colour and a valuable food source for early pollinators. Despite their ability to thrive almost anywhere, they are moderate growers and wont become invasive. Once established, they’ll almost look after themselves!
How to plant
- Plant Bergenia in spring between February and May, ideally within a week of delivery.
- Soak the roots in water for 3-6 hours prior to planting. Pot into temporary 2 litre (or 15-20cm diameter) pots, using a good quality multi-purpose compost.
- Plant with the roots shallowly submerged in the soil, the top of the root should have buds which should be level with the soil surface. Any shoots/leaves which have already emerged should be exposed above the soil surface. Bergenia can also be planted directly into borders which have good, crumbly soil providing there is no risk that the root will be disturbed by wildlife.
- Grow the potted roots on in a sheltered spot outside. They can be transplanted to suitable positions after 2-4 months or once growth is established enough so that the plant easily comes out of the pot with the soil intact in a root ball.
- Bergenia prefers a moist, fertile and well drained soil, but it is very adaptable and grows well in most conditions, even on dry soils once established. In fact a poor soil may even enhance the reddish autumn leaf colour in some varieties, although the plants produce slower growth in dry conditions. Avoid very wet soils as they may rot in these conditions.
- When planting into the garden, choose a position in full sun, full shade or dappled shade. More flowers will be encouraged in sunnier positions. In full shade it will produce plenty of attractive leaves but may not flower so readily.
- This perennial is fully hardy and does not require winter protection.
- Water-in after planting and keep hydrated when in growth, particularly during the first year.
- Bergenia will start to produce new leaves in spring, flowers appear around March to April.
- Deadhead the faded flowers of Bergenia to keep the plant looking tidy. Old tatty leaves can be removed at the base of the plant, as and when they occur.
- Bergenia is the ultimate low maintenance plant! This tough evergreen needs very little attention throughout the year.
- Overcrowded clumps can be lifted and divided in early spring or late autumn.
- Bergenia looks great in areas where there are also spring bulbs such as daffodils.