How to plant Zephyranthes

Zephyranthes (or Rain Lily) is a tender bulb and must be protected from frost. They can be started off indoors or in a heated greenhouse between March and May and then transplanted outside later in the season. Alternatively, you can plant them directly outside in early May.

— Choose a position in sheltered borders or containers in full sun, in a very well-drained soil or compost with added grit. If planting in containers, we recommend using peat-free multipurpose compost.

— Plant the bulbs 10-15cm deep, with the shoots facing upwards. Any green leafy growth which may have already emerged can be left exposed above the soil surface.

— Space the bulbs about 5-10cm apart from each other.

— Water-in well after planting and keep hydrated at all times while in growth. While the bulbs are still dormant, allow the soil to almost dry out before watering again.

— To overwinter the bulbs, lift in the autumn after flowering and allow to dry off in a warm place for a few days, before trimming off any remaining foliage. Then store in a cool, dark, but frost-free place before replanting the following spring.

Planting instructions