How to plant Tigridia

Tigridia (or Tiger Flower) bulbs are tender and must be protected from frost. They should be started off in a cool greenhouse or cool, bright position indoors in the spring.

— Plant your Tigridia bulbs between March and May and grow on in bright, frost-free conditions. Growing them on will give them a head start, alternatively you can plant them directly outside in early May. Grow under cover all summer, or plant out in a warm, sheltered spot after risk of frost has passed in your area and summer temperatures are consistently mild.

— Choose a spot in full sun and grow in a fertile but very well-drained soil. If growing in containers, add sand or grit to potting/multipurpose compost.

— Plant the bulbs 15-20cm deep, with the pointed side facing upwards.

— Space the bulbs about 15-20cm apart from each other, they can be slightly closer when grown in containers for a full display.

— Water-in after planting and keep hydrated while in growth. While the bulbs are still dormant, allow the soil to dry out slightly before watering again.

— After flowering, spent flowerheads can be removed but leaving any foliage intact.

— To overwinter the bulbs, lift before temperatures cool down in the autumn and allow to dry off in a warm place for a few days, before trimming off any remaining foliage. Then store in dry sand in a cool but frost-free place before replanting the following spring.

Planting instructions