How to plant Helianthus

Helianthus are fully hardy and can be planted directly outside in pots or borders without the need for frost protection.

— Soak the roots in water for 3-6 hours prior to planting out.

— Plant your bare roots into temporary pots in spring and grow-on outdoors to transplant later when established. Alternatively, you can plant them directly into a well-dug, weed-free space in borders.

— Choose a position which receives full sun during the day.

— Plant the roots so that they are fully submerged with the buds or crown just below the soil surface. Any top growth or leaves should be left exposed.

— Space the plants 20-30cm apart.

— Water-in after planting and keep hydrated when in growth.

Read further general instructions about planting bare-root perennials

Planting instructions