How to plant Arum

Arum are hardy to around -20C and can be planted straight outside in the spring. They don’t require any frost protection over winter.

— Plant the tubers directly into a cleared space in a border or pot them up to grow on outdoors for a few months first. Potting them up first helps them to establish without competition or risk of disturbance.

— Arum italicum grow best in a humus-rich, well-drained soil. If planting in containers, you can use soil-based compost or multipurpose compost.

— Choose a position which is in full sun, partial or dappled shade.

— Space the tubers 10-15cm apart from each other.

— Plant around 10-15cm deep with the growing tip facing upwards.

— Water-in after planting and keep hydrated when in growth during the first season and during hot, dry weather.

Planting instructions