How to plant Triteleia

Triteleia (or Triplet Lily) bulbs are hardy down to -5C and will require some frost protection. It is safest to start them off in cool, frost-free conditions. In mild areas, they can be planted direct outside in spring but may require frost protection.

— Pot up the bulbs in a cool greenhouse between March and late April and grow them on to plant out as potted plants later in the season. Alternatively, plant directly outside from late April onwards or after risk of frost has passed.

— Choose a spot in full sun, and grow in light, sandy, fertile soil. If growing in containers, we recommend using peat-free multipurpose compost and you can add sand or grit to aid drainage.

— Plant the bulbs 8-10cm deep, with the pointed side facing upwards.

— Space the bulbs about 10-15cm apart from each other. For a full display in pots, you can plant them a little closer.

— Water-in after planting and keep hydrated while in growth. While the bulbs are dormant, allow the soil to become almost dry before watering again – they don’t like to sit in cold, wet conditions whilst dormant.

— To overwinter the bulbs in colder areas, lift after flowering and allow to dry off in a warm place for a few days, before trimming off any remaining foliage. Then store in in a cool, dark, but frost-free place before replanting the following spring.

— In mild areas with well-drained soil that does not become waterlogged in the winter, they can be left in the ground with a thick mulch to protect them from frosts.

Planting instructions