How to plant Begonia

There are many different varieties of flowering Begonias that you can grow from tubers. They are divided into groups according to their special characteristics. Some are upright and others have a cascading growth habit which makes them perfect for hanging baskets and pots. Some varieties have gorgeously scented flowers, many have big double blooms whereas others have masses of dainty single flowers. Whichever variety you choose, you can be sure of a long flowering season that lasts until the autumn chill sets in.

Begonia planting basics

Unlike most bulbs which have pointed tips, Begonias are bowl shaped and have a hollow spot at the top – the more rounded side should be planted facing downwards. The tuberous bulbs are easy to grow, but they don’t like soggy conditions, so choose a spot in the garden with well-drained soil or a free-draining potting mixture. Your Begonias will want light shade and protection from harsh winds.

How to plant Begonia tubers

— Begonias are tender bulbs and require protection from frost. For best results, start them off in temporary pots in a greenhouse in March or April to give them a head start. They can then be transplanted outside in May.

— Begonia tubers can also be planted directly outside into borders or containers in May.

— When planting in containers, multipurpose compost is the ideal choice of growing medium.

— Plant the tubers shallowly with the dipped side facing upwards – the top of the tuber should be around 1-2cm below the soil surface.

— Space the tubers around 15-20 apart from each other in a container display, or 20-30cm apart in borders.

— Water-in thoroughly after planting and water regularly while in full growth. Don’t allow them to sit in wet soil while still dormant.

Planting instructions