How to plant Scadoxus

Scadoxus (or Blood Lily) corms are tender and must be protected from frost. They are best started off in warm, bright indoor conditions in the spring.

— Plant your Scadoxus bulbs between March and May and grow on in warm, frost-free conditions to plant out after risk of frost has passed. You can also plant them directly outside in early May into a warm, sunny spot. Scadoxus sometimes take several weeks to sprout, so don’t be concerned if they don’t start to grow straight away.

— When planting in containers, we recommend using a peat-free multipurpose compost.

— When planting out, choose a position in borders or containers in full sun or partial shade, in a fertile but well-drained soil. If planting the bulbs directly outside in May, it’s best to choose the sunniest part of the garden so that they receive the right level of warmth to come out of dormancy.

— Plant the bulbs with the tip facing upwards, sitting just below the soil surface.

— Space the bulbs about 15-20cm apart from each other.

— Water-in after planting and keep hydrated while in growth, not allowing the compost to fully dry out or become waterlogged at any point. While the bulbs are still dormant, only apply additional water when the soil becomes dry on the top and ensure it can drain out of the pot easily. The bulbs don’t like to sit in boggy conditions.

— To overwinter the bulbs, lift before temperatures cool down in the autumn and allow to dry off in a warm place for a few days, before trimming off any remaining foliage. Then store in a cool, dark, but frost-free place before replanting the following spring. Alternatively, you can stop watering the container and leave in a dry, frost free place until spring.

Planting instructions